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백예린 (Yerin Baek) London 듣기/가사/앨범/유튜브/뮤비/반복재생/작곡작사

Every letter I sent you.
백예린 (Yerin Baek)


내가 너에게 보냈던 모든 편지들.
이번 앨범은 19살부터 23살까지 제 생각과 고민, 추억들이 담겨있어요. 정확한 주소가 있진 않았지만 꾸준히 제 마음을 곡에 담아 부치곤 했는데, 이제 여러분들에게 정말로 보낼 수 있게 되어 기쁘네요! 그 동안 저의 성장을 지켜봐 주시고 애정해주신 분들께 감사하는 마음을 담았습니다.
사랑을 담아, 예린 올림.
Every letter I sent you.
This album reflects memories, dilemmas, and thought processes I had from when I was nineteen to twenty three. With no specific address, I’ve been mailing my feelings in form of songs. And I’m really glad that I can finally mail them to you all. This album is my way of thanking everyone who has been loving me and supporting my journey as a musician.
Lots of love
CD 1
1. Intro
Composed by 백예린
Arranged by 구름
2. Rest
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린
Drum 김다빈
Bass guitar 구름
Elec guitar jonny
Keyboard 구름
String arrange d.ear
String 융스트링
Flute 박기훈
MIDI programming 구름
Drum Recorded by허정욱 @velvet studio
3. Popo (How deep is our love?)
Composed by 백예린, 구름
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 구름
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린
Drum 김다빈
Bass guitar 구름
Elec guitar jonny
Keyboard 구름
String arrange 박기훈, 구름
String 융스트링
Horn section arrange 박기훈
Flute 박기훈
Saxophone 박기훈
Trumpet 홍태훈
Trumbone 박경건
MIDI programming 구름
Drum Recorded by허정욱 @velvet studio
String recorded by 이찬미 @서울스튜디오
4. can i b u
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린
Vocal 백예린
Guitar 백예린
5. Meant to be
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린
Drum 김다빈
Bass guitar 구름
Elec guitar jonny
Piano 구름
String arrange 구름
String 융스트링
Drum Recorded by허정욱 @velvet studio
String recorded by 이찬미 @서울스튜디오
6. Mr.gloomy
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린, 구름
Drum 김다빈
Bass guitar 구름
Elec guitar jonny
Keyboard 구름, 백예린
MIDI programming 구름, 백예린
Drum Recorded by허정욱 @velvet studio
7. lovelovelove
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린, 구름
Drum 김다빈
Bass guitar 구름
Elec guitar jonny, 구름
Acoustic guitar jonny
Keyboard 구름
String arrange d.ear
String 융스트링
MIDI programming 구름
Drum Recorded by허정욱 @velvet studio
String recorded by 이찬미 @서울스튜디오
8. Bunny
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린, 구름
Drum 김치헌
Bass guitar 구름
Elec guitar jonny
Keyboard 구름
MIDI programming 구름
9. 0310
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린
Drum 김치헌
Bass guitar 구름
Elec guitar 백예린, jonny, 구름
Acoustic guitar jonny
Keyboard 구름
String arrange 구름
String 융스트링
MIDI programming 구름
String recorded by 이찬미 @서울스튜디오
CD 2
1. Berlin
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린
Vocal 백예린
Piano 구름
2. Datoom
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린
Drum 김다빈
Bass guitar 구름
Elec guitar jonny, 구름
Keyboard 구름
Flute 박기훈
MIDI programming 구름
Drum Recorded by허정욱 @velvet studio
String recorded by 이찬미 @서울스튜디오
3. Not a girl
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 백예린, 구름
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린
Bass guitar 구름
Elec guitar jonny, 구름
Keyboard 구름
MIDI programming 구름, 백예린
4. Newsong2
Composed by 백예린, 구름
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 구름
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린
Bass guitar 구름
Elec guitar 구름
Keyboard 구름
MIDI programming 구름
5. Amy
Composed by 백예린, 구름
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 구름
Vocal 백예린
Elec guitar 구름
MIDI programming 구름
6. True lover
Composed by 백예린, 구름
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 구름
Vocal 백예린
Elec guitar jonny
Keyboard 구름
Horn section arrange 박기훈
Saxophone 박기훈
Trumpet 홍태훈
Trumbone 박경건
MIDI programming 구름
7. Point (Feat. Loopy)
Composed by 백예린
Lyrics by 백예린, Loopy
Arranged by 백예린, 구름
Vocal 백예린
Rap Loopy
Chorus 백예린
Drum 김치헌
Bass guitar 구름
Elec guitar 백예린, jonny, 구름
Keyboard 구름
MIDI programming 구름
8. Square (2017)
Composed by 백예린, 구름
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 구름
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린
Drum 김치헌
Bass guitar 구름
Elec guitar jonny, 구름
Keyboard 구름
MIDI programming 구름
9. London
Composed by 백예린, 구름
Lyrics by 백예린
Arranged by 구름
Vocal 백예린
Chorus 백예린, 구름
Bass guitar 구름
Keyboard 구름
MIDI programming 구름
[All Credit]
All songs produced by 백예린, 구름
All songs recorded by 구름, 백예린 @TVT CLUB
All songs mixed, mastered by 구름
M/V directed by HOBIN
Photograph by 무궁화소녀
Photograph Lighting by 정현우
Artwork & Design by Ether Kim
Styling by 백예린
Makeup by 백예린
Hair by 백예린
Management by Blue Vinyl
Published by Dreamus



작사 백예린 (Yerin Baek) 작곡 백예린 (Yerin Baek), 구름 편곡 구름



백예린 (Yerin Baek) - London


London 가사


It don’t make much sense
말이 되지 않아요
few things you are looking for, from me
당신이 나에게서 찾는 것들은요
It may not be the one you like
당신이 좋아하는 게 아닐 수는 있지만
but I’m me myself and I
난 나 자신일 뿐이에요

It don’t make me happy
날 기쁘게 하지 않아요
cause you tryna find something in me, from me
당신이 내 안, 그리고 나에게서 찾으려 하는 것들 때문에요
It may not be the perfect one you’d like
당신이 좋아할 만한 완벽한 것은 아니겠지만
but I still like me myself and I
그래도 난 나 자신을 좋아해요

I’m so sad that you’re not same with me
당신이 나와 같지 않아서 슬프지만
but still have to move on
난 나아가야 해요
gotta make this love clear
이 사랑을 확실히 해야 해요
from the man who don’t believe me as I am
있는 그대로의 나를 믿지 않는 사람에게서
I gotta move on for what I am
난 나를 위해 떠나야 해요

you said I’d be happy with you
당신은 함께 행복할거라 했지만
but this turns into all the same again
결국 똑같이 변하고 있어요
like lies I have heard before
전에 들었던 거짓말처럼
they hurt me every time
항상 나를 아프게 하네요

I’m so sad that you’re not same with me
당신이 나와 같지 않아서 슬프지만
but still have to move on
난 나아가야 해요
gotta make this love clear
이 사랑을 확실히 해야 해요
from the man who don’t believe me as I am
있는 그대로의 나를 믿지 않는 사람에게서
I gotta move on
난 떠나야 해요

I gotta move on for what I am
나를 위해 떠나야 해요

what you’re looking for is
당신이 찾는 것이
not what I have got now
지금 내게는 없어요
gotta move on for what I am
나 자신을 위해 떠나야 해요

I’m so sad that you’re not same with me
당신이 나와 같지 않아서 슬프지만
but still have to move on
난 나아가야 해요
gotta make this love clear
이 사랑을 확실히 해야 해요
from the man who don’t believe me as I am
있는 그대로의 나를 믿지 않는 사람에게서
I gotta move on for what I am
난 나 자신을 위해 떠나야 해요

what you’re looking for is
당신이 찾는 것이
not what I have got now
지금 내게는 없어요
gotta move on for what I am
나 자신을 위해 떠나야 해요