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C-Tru TAKE ON THE WORLD (feat. Lenny Harold) 듣기/가사/앨범/유튜브/뮤비/반복재생/작곡작사

TAKE ON THE WORLD (feat. Lenny Harold)\2870782\10434120\0\1\https://blog.kakaocdn.net/dn/mI6f3/btrB4dpV7w1/6hARbASuq40fWd1EAmkTAk/img.jpg\DUg5C5D1nWo\
번외수사 OST Part.2


OCN 드라마틱 시네마 (토, 일 드라마)
번외수사 Part.2 C-Tru (feat. Lenny Harold)의 'TAKE ON THE WORLD'

수단 방법 가리지 않고, 범인 잡는 꼴통 형사와 한 방을 노리는 열혈 PD를 앞세운 다섯 아웃사이더들의 범죄소탕 오락액션 드라마 '번외수사'의 두번째 OST 'Take on the world'가 C-Tru (feat. Lenny Harold)의 목소리로 발매되었다.

'C-Tru' 는 award winning 랩퍼, 가수 그리고 작곡가이다. 'C-Tru'의 곡들중에는 많은 곡들이 국제적으로 차트에서 1들을 하였고, 특히 DMX 와 함께한 “Dog in Me”와 Snoop Dogg 와 함께한 “California Party” 는 Youtube에서 많은 인기를 얻고 있다.

이 곡의 피처링에 참여 한 'Lenny Harold' 는 레전드 가수 그룹인 'Blackstreet'의 맴버이다. 'Blackstreet’은 “No Diggity” 이라는 곡으로 미국 Billboard Hot 100에서 1위를 기록한 그룹이며 Best R&B Performance의 그래미 상을 차지하기도 하였다.

번외수사 Part.2 <Take on the world> 는 자신감과 힘들 불어넣어주는 노래로써, “이 세상을 이길수 있어!” 라는 내용을 담고 있다. 자신이 믿는 것을 위해 맞서 싸우고 “넌 너가 생각하는것보다 강해” 라는 메세지를 담고 있는 <Take on the world> 는 Modern Rock 느낌이 실린 Hip-hop 장르다.

이 곡을 프로듀싱한 'JOONY' 는 다양한 음악을 아주 잘 만들어내는 International 한 프로듀서이다. K-pop (슈퍼 주니어, Block B 등) USA Pop (Snoop Dogg, DMX 등), Euro pop (Swissivory) 가수들의 곡을 프로듀싱하였고, 한국과 드라마, 미국 TV Show 에 많은 곡을 작곡하였rh, 이 곡의 기타 세션을 맡은 ' Ariel Bellvalaire' 는 POP Rock 가수이자 Broadway 에서 활발하게 활동하는 기타 연주자이다.


Executive Producer 양기하 at (주)이캐스트엔터테인먼트
Lyrics byC-Tru, Lenny Harold
Composed by JOONY, C-Tru, Lenny Harold
Arranged by JOONY
Programed by JOONY
Guitar Performed by Ariel Bellvalaire
Mixed byJOONY
Mastered byFunny J

TAKE ON THE WORLD (feat. Lenny Harold)


작사 C-Tru, Lenny Harold 작곡 JOONY, C-Tru, Lenny Harold 편곡 JOONY



C-Tru - TAKE ON THE WORLD (feat. Lenny Harold)


TAKE ON THE WORLD (feat. Lenny Harold) 가사


You can take on the world baby
Why do you live
What's your reason baby
You're stronger than they are
Oh don't you let them
drive you crazy
You better know your worth
before someone will cheat you
You can take on the world don't
believe that it ain't true
Can you hear me though
I'm at the end of my rope
life is sniper rifle I feel like
I'm in the scope
So here we go stay afloat
Yeah we on the same boat
So broke but we still refuse
to sell coke
They think we weak but we strong
We gotta prove them wrong
Just use this song
to help carry you on
Cuz I been down and out
When there was no way out
Wanted to make it rain
but I was in a drought
And so I and so I killed the enemy
It was my inner me telling me
what Id never be wooo So
I made a change inside of me
Now I love myself so much
I'd marry me polygamy
So if you feel like me nobody
can tell you what you should be
Cuz you could be whatever you
want to be as long as you believe
Just fight
ya got the right
Be the leader of the herd
and just take on the world
Why do you live
What's your reason baby
You're stronger than they are
Oh don't you let them
drive you crazy
You better know your worth
before someone will cheat you
You can take on the world
don't believe that it ain't true
Remember when they
said you was nothin
depression got so bad
you got to cutting
I got scars of my on too
you gotta stand on your own two
and tell them they don’t own you
they below you so tell them
haters to blow you
go through and tell them all
I’m gonna show you
so go do what feels TRU
and represents you
stand up for what you believe
they can’t control you
cuz not long ago I was bullied
I didn’t understand it fully
they used to talk smack
behind my back
and nobody had my back
then I came back
with my best raps and attacked
with the spirit of Hurricane
Katrina mixed with the Tsunami's
in Haiyan can you understand
that even one man
can make a difference
if he takes a stand
piss on them haters
like its time to hit the can
Why do you live
What's your reason baby
You're stronger than they are
Oh don't you let them
drive you crazy
You better know your worth
before someone will cheat you
You can take
on the world don't believe
that it ain't true
I will take on the world
Ima take on the world
I will take on the world
Ima take on the world
Just say they never can stop me
Lemme hear ya say
they never can stop me
If I never quit then
they will never stop me
You'd have to drop me
from the sky top to stop me