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소연 (LABOUM), THERAY (더레이) A Moment Like This 듣기/가사/앨범/유튜브/뮤비/반복재생/작곡작사

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아이돌보컬리그 - 걸스피릿 EPISODE 10
소연 (LABOUM), THERAY (더레이)


[아이돌보컬리그-걸스피릿 EPISODE 10]


중국의 국민가수 '주화건'의 노래 "朋友"를 리메이크한 2003년 3월 17일에 발매된 '안재욱' 4집 앨범 [Reds In Anjaewook 4] 타이틀곡. 힘들 때 곁에 있어 준 친구에게 고마움을 표하는 노래로, 오케스트라의 장엄한 선율과 '스피카 김보형'의 파워풀한 음역대가 조화를 이루며 재 표현된 곡

2001년 11월 15일에 발매된 'god' 4집 앨범 타이틀곡. 삶의 방향을 잃고 방황하는 이들에게 전하는 위로의 메시지가 담긴 곡으로, '베스티 유지'만의 흡입력 강한 보컬로 재 표현된 곡
"A Moment Like This"

2002년에 발매된 '켈리 클락슨' 앨범 [Before Your Love/Moment Like This (Single)] 타이틀곡. 오랫동안 찾아 헤매던 사랑을 드디어 만났고, 꿈이 이뤄졌다는 내용이 담긴 노래로, '라붐 소연'과 '더 레이'의 애달프고도 섬세한 감성이 조화를 이루며 재 표현된 곡

A Moment Like This


작사 Jorgen Elofsson, John Reid 작곡 Jorgen Elofsson, John Reid 편곡 Command Freaks



소연 (LABOUM), THERAY (더레이) - A Moment Like This


A Moment Like This 가사


What if I told you
it was all meant to be
Would you believe me
Would you agree
It's almost that feeling
that we've met before
So tell me that
you don't think I'm crazy
When I tell you love has
come here and now
A moment like this
Some people wait a life time
for a moment like this
Some people search forever
for that one special kiss
Oh I can't believe
it's happening to me
Some people wait a life time
for a moment like this
Everything changes
but beauty remains
Something so tender
I can't explain
Well I maybe dreaming
but until I awake
Can we make
this dream last forever
And I'll cherish
all the love we share
A moment like this
Some people wait a life time
for a moment like this
Some people search forever
for that one special kiss
Oh I can't believe
it's happening to me
Some people wait a life time
for a moment like this
Could this be the greatest
love of all
I wanna know that you will
Catch me when I fall
So let me tell you this
Some people wait a life time
for a moment
Like this
Some people wait a life time
for a moment like this
Some people search forever
For that one special kiss
Oh I can't believe
it's happening to me
Some people wait a life time
for a moment like this like this
Oh I can't believe
it's happening to me
Some people wait a life time
for a moment like this
Like this
Like this