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좋은 하루 (English Ver.) 듣기/가사/앨범/유튜브/뮤비/반복재생/작곡작사

좋은 하루 (English Ver.)\\50320\7\0\https://blog.kakaocdn.net/dn/2bJ9Q/btrrB5hdl8D/a8G4FLFhwCMZm7MBFokSWK/img.jpg\9W-QzMA6irw\
세잎클로버 OST


이효리가 주연을 맡은 SBS TV 드라마 '세잎 클로버'의 OST.총 17곡이 수록된 '세잎 클로버' OST는 조규만, 조규찬, 이소라 등 유명 뮤지션의 앨범에 작, 편곡 및 세션으로 참여해온 작곡가 이병준이 프로듀싱을 맡았다.또 이효리를 비롯해 신인 여성듀엣 샤인, 남성 듀엣 2-Shai, 왕년의 인기가수 최헌, 탤런트 김강우가 참여했으며 타이틀곡 '그럼 된거죠'는 올해 16세의 여중생 가수 지망생인 김성희가 불렀다. 올해 청담중학교 3년생인 김성희는 이효리와 핑클의 소속사인 DSP 엔터테인먼트에서 가수 데뷔 준비를 위해 연습하던 중 이번 OST 제작 과정에서 발군의 가창력을 높이 평가받아 메인 테마를 불렀다.

좋은 하루 (English Ver.)


작사 작곡 편곡



- 좋은 하루 (English Ver.)


좋은 하루 (English Ver.) 가사


There's something in your eyes that
just makes me smile
My heart is light when you are here with me
And every day that passes I realize
I'm falling deeper into you
I never thought that I could fall in love
Until you came into my life
And I feel security
Every time I think of you
I will always be with you, give you everything
Every moment spent with you
it feels just like a dream
Like you're always there for me,
I'll be there for you
Every day I fall in love again

Under the moonlight and twinkling stars
I feel your presence and it comforts me
And when I need you I look up at the sky
And see your face among the stars
You're like angel sent from above
You bring a light unto my life
And I feel security
Every time I think of you
I will always be with you, give you everything
Every moment spent with you
it feels just like a dream
Like you're always there for me,
I'll be there for you
Every day I fall in love again
I will never leave your side, I will always be
There to give you all my love and
share with you my heart
Like you're always there for me,
I'll be there for you
I love you more with every passing day
I wished on a star and then you came to me
I'll never let go
I promise you my heart
I promise you my love
I will always be with you, give you everything
Every moment spent with you
it feels just like a dream
Like you're always there for me,
I'll be there for you
Every day I fall in love again

I will always be with you, give you everything
Every moment spent with you
it feels just like a dream
Like you're always there for me,
I'll be there for you
Every day I fall in love again
I will never leave your side, I will always be
There to give you all my love and
share with you my heart
Like you're always there for me,
I'll be there for you
I love you more with every passing day
