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월간집 OST Part.2


조유리 가창 JTBC 새 수목드라마 ‘월간집’ OST Part.2 발매

‘내 집 마련’이라는 공감 100%의 현실적인 소재로 첫 방송 이후 호평을 이어가고 있는 JTBC 새 수목드라마 ‘월간집’의 두 번째 OST가 공개된다.

조유리가 참여한 ‘월간집’ 두 번째 OST ‘STORY OF US’는 두 주인공이 서로를 알아가며 자연스레 커지는 설렘을 노래한 곡이다. 서로가 서로를 채워주며 이어갈 앞으로의 사랑을 일기를 써 내려가는 과정에 비유한 노랫말이 인상적이다.

작곡에는 프로듀싱 팀 ‘The Proof’가 참여해 곡의 완성도를 높였으며, 조유리 특유의 따뜻한 음색이 상대방을 향한 사랑을 완벽하게 대변하며 드라마의 짙은 감성을 이끌어간다.

JTBC ‘월간집’은 리빙 잡지사인 ‘월간집’ 에디터이자 내 집 마련을 꿈꾸는 10년 차 직장인 나영원과 ‘월간집’ 대표이자 부동산 투자 전문가 유자성의 로맨스를 그린 드라마로 정소민, 김지석, 정건주, 채정안 등 배우들이 시너지를 발휘하며 순항을 이어가고 있다.

조유리가 가창한 ‘STORY OF US’는 ‘월간집’ 속 설레는 로맨스를 고스란히 담아내며 시청자들의 연애 감정을 싹트게 할 전망이다.


Lyrics by Christian Fast, Maria Marcus
Composed by The Proof, Christian Fast, Maria Marcus
Arranged by The Proof

Guitar 이창우
Piano The Proof
Synth The Proof
Chorus Safira.K, Maria Marcus

Recorded by 최자연 @WSOUND
Mixed by 조준성 @WSOUND
Mastered by 권남우 @821Sound Mastering



작사 Christian Fast, Maria Marcus 작곡 The Proof, Christian Fast, Maria Marcus 편곡 The Proof







You make me
Much better when you’re here
I’m lucky
When I’m in your atmosphere
Every little move you do
Every little thing you say
It saves me
From falling much deeper
I lay down my head on you shoulder
And think
If I could always be like this
I breathe in your scent
And I don’t dare to blink
If we could always be like this
Just listen
Here we are again
Through the fire through the rain
The roads we crossed they built
Story of us
Here we are again
And I still feel the same
You and I we write the
Story of us
Sway with me like firefly
Stay with me until the day i die
Write the story of us
Sway with me like firefly
Stay with me until the day i die
Write the story of us
Don’t fail me
That’s my biggest fear
Keep sailing
On waves of love my dear
Nobody can make me feel
Anything like you so real
You save me
From falling much deeper
I lay down my head on you shoulder
And think
If I could always be like this
I breathe in your scent
And I don’t dare to blink
If we could always be like this
Just listen
Here we are again
Through the fire through the rain
The roads we crossed they built
Story of us
Here we are again
And I still feel the same
You and I we write the
Story of us
Sway with me like firefly
Stay with me until the day i die
Write the story of us
Sway with me like firefly
Stay with me until the day i die
Write the story of us
Hold me
Don’t let go
We’ve been scarred
Broken hearts
But that made us much stronger
You and I
Sway with me like firefly
Stay with me until the day i die
Write the story of us
Sway with me like firefly
Stay with me until the day i die
Write the story of us
Just listen
Here we are again
Through the fire through the rain
The roads we crossed they built
Story of us
Here we are again
And I still feel the same
You and I we write the
Story of us
Sway with me like firefly
Stay with me until the die
Write the story of us