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거미 (박지연) It Don't Matter No More 듣기/가사/앨범/유튜브/뮤비/반복재생/작곡작사

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It's Different
거미 (박지연)


2003년, "그대 돌아오면" 으로 데뷔한 거미는 휘성의 보컬 선생으로 알려지며 이미 그 실력이 검증된 보컬리스트였다. 그런 이유로 그녀는 데뷔와 동시에 '여자 휘성' 이라 불리우며 대중에게 강렬한 인상을 남겼다. 그러나 그 첫걸음은 순탄하지만은 않았다. 1집 활동 뒤 성대결절로 혹독한 시간을 보내야 했고, 그런 아픔을 극복한 후 발매한 것이 본 작이다. 호소력 짙은 알앤비를 주무기로 하는 그녀답게 진한 소울이 느껴지는 알앤비로 가득 채운 이 앨범은 [It`s Different]]라는 타이틀에 걸맞게 변화무쌍한 그녀의 보컬적 역량을 담아냈다.

화려한 애드립이 돋보이는 인트로 "Gummy Skills"로 포문을 열면, 영화 OST로 삽입되어 많은 사랑을 받은 발라드 "날 그만 잊어요", 감정의 절정에 이르는 타이틀곡 "기억상실"로 이어진다. 전체적으로 지나치게 무게를 잡지 않으면서도 가볍지 않도록 완급을 조절한 본 작은 제2회 한국대중음악상 최우수R&B를 수상하며 음악성과 대중성을 동시에 만족시켰다. 휘성을 비롯해 하동균, 원타임, 지누, 렉시 등 그 당시 YG와 엠보트 간판 아티스트의 참여로 지루할 틈 없이 꽉 채운 웰메이드 알앤비 앨범

It Don't Matter No More


작사 서빛나래 작곡 서빛나래 편곡 서빛나래



거미 (박지연) - It Don't Matter No More


It Don't Matter No More 가사


Trouble makes more trouble
Lies gorw to be unfixable
Your world turns on its own axis
IN the mean time
My world breaks into pieces
Liveings gotten me to thinking
And I keep on reminiscing
I never knew this could
bring me such pain
What I've got Is an aching
that I can't explain
My love should've been returned
My love should've been returned
But what now It's over
Guess it don't matter no more
If you had even an bit of concern
If you had even an bit of concern
but what now
It's over Guees it
don't matter no more
Your eyes and your voice
came to me again
uh huh they make me
so insane sop it
let me get on
with my life Let go
so I could get the
strength to fly
My love should've been returned
My love should've been returned
But what now
It's over Guess it
don't matter no more
If you had even a bit of concern
If you had even a bit of concern
But what now
It's over Guess it
don't matter no more
Why has it gone away
Why has it gone astray
Let it go Let it go Now
over love has gone away
over love has gone astray
Let it go Let it go Now
My love should've been returned
My love should've been returned
But what now
It's over Guess it
don't matter no more
If you had even a bit of concern
If you had even a bit of concern
But what now
It's over Guess it
don't matter no more
My love should've been returned
But what now
It's over Guess it
don't matter no more
If you had even a bit of concern
bit of concern
bit of concern baby
But what now
It's over Guess it
don't matter no more
My love should've been returned
But what now
It's over Guess it
don't matter no more
If you had even a bit of concern
If you had even a bit of concern
But what now
It's over
Guess it don't matter no more
Guess it don't matter no more