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로피 (LoF!) Error (With Yeun of v!nyl) (Eng Ver.) 듣기/가사/앨범/유튜브/뮤비/반복재생/작곡작사

Error (With Yeun of v!nyl) (Eng Ver.)\2112624\10303402\2\0\https://blog.kakaocdn.net/dn/lIHwX/btq9f4Uapwb/rrEmaho0OjEPGvBMH6sPvK/img.jpg\EVo23xS9x-Y\
절대그이 OST Part.8
로피 (LoF!)


'이시은' [절대그이 OST Part.8]

“절대그이” (SBS 수, 목 드라마) OST part. 8 [Error]공개

고막여친 “이시은” 이 “절대그이”OST의 여덟 번째 가창자이다……
SBS ‘K팝스타’ 시즌5의 톱 4출신으로 많은 매니아들의 지지를 받고있는 고막여친 “이시은”이 여덟 번째로 절대그이 OST에 합류하였다.
‘Error'는 극중 남주인공 여진구(영구)가 여주인공 방민아(엄다다)을 향한 사랑이 커져갈수록 뜻하지않는 오류가 생기는 마음을 표현한 곡이다. 
피아노 하나로만 이어지는 간결한 편곡으로 “이시은”의 애절한 보이스와 잘 어울리는 곡이다.
더불어 Man Ver. 과 Vocoder Ver.등 총 3곡으로 같은 곡이지만 서로 다른 느낌을 받을 수 있도록 구성하였다.
Man Ver.은 너의 목소리가 보여 시즌5 우승자 출신으로, 곧 정식 데뷔를 앞두고있는 미성의 보컬 “노아”(Noah)가 참여하였다.
그리고, Vocoder Ver.은 본 곡의 작곡가 “로피”가 직접 참여하였다.
Executive Produced by 김도윤@엔라이크
Produced by LoF!
Lyrics by LoF!
Composed by LoF!, Yeun
Arranged by LoF!, Yeun
EP by Yeun
Piano by Yeun
Recorded by 정창현@드림캐쳐컴퍼니 스튜디오 (이시은) / LoF! (노아)
Mixed by LoF!
Masterded by 권남우@821 Sound

Error (With Yeun of v!nyl) (Eng Ver.)


작사 로피 (LoF!) 작곡 로피 (LoF!), 연 편곡 로피 (LoF!), 연



로피 (LoF!) - Error (With Yeun of v!nyl) (Eng Ver.)


Error (With Yeun of v!nyl) (Eng Ver.) 가사


I think I`m out of order
Like something has Broken
I feel like something error
That you don’t understand oh
Don't find a Reason for me cause
It must be not good ending so
You better take me outside and
Disposal me
Cause one day I thought
that you`re kind
Even I`m not designed
to be like this
Yeah Like this
Am I programmed wrong so confused
It’s hard to say
I’m a perfect machine
But I Just wanna be with you
I feel like I got
something error but
I wanna talk about
that later cause
looks like you have a good time
and I`m afraid
that I’ll disturbed
One day you’ll know
that I was faulty bot
I hope you’ll never call
service center
Cause I can act as usual
But I’m not sure
that I’m normal oh
I’m gonna trying to forget her
Cause one day I’ll be disposal
Girl someday you`ll be regret it
Even If you don’t want
to be like that
Oh Like that
Am I programmed wrong so confused
It’s hard to say
I’m a perfect machine
But I Just wanna be like you
I feel like I got
something error but
I wanna talk about
that later cause
looks like you have a good time
and I`m afraid
that I’ll disturbed oh
One day you’ll know
that I was faulty bot
I hope you’ll never call
service center
Cause I can act as usual
But I’m not sure
that I’m normal oh
I feel like I got
something error but
I wanna talk about
that later cause
looks like you have a good time
and I`m afraid
that I’ll disturbed oh
One day you’ll know
that I was faulty bot
I hope you’ll never call
service center
Cause I can act as usual
But I’m not sure
that I’m normal oh
I’m gonna trying to forget you
Cause one day I’ll be disposal