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메이트 You & Me Song 듣기/가사/앨범/유튜브/뮤비/반복재생/작곡작사

You & Me Song\410766\644254\6\0\https://blog.kakaocdn.net/dn/SFZn2/btq8cE9eS5g/FsPoomAn4TotGB0KNLG4A1/img.jpg\mki8LCDjT7A\
음악여행 라라라 Live Vol.6


뮤지션들에게 가장 편안한 공간, 녹음실!
바로 그 곳에서 듣는 뮤지션들의 생생한 라이브 음악!

장르불문! 세대불문! 잘 알려지지 않은 뮤지션들의 음악까지도 발굴하고 재조명하며 음악에 있어서 새로운 소통의 장이 되어줄 신개념 음악쇼. MC 김창완의 음악적 깊이와 유쾌한 입담까지 함께하는 한 밤의 특별한 음악여행, [음악여행 라라라].

You & Me Song


작사 작곡 편곡



메이트 - You & Me Song


You & Me Song 가사


<원곡 The Wannaies - 'You And me Song'>

Always when we fight
I try to make you laugh
Until everything’s forgotten
I know you hate that

ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba

Always when we fight
I kiss you once or twice
And everything’s forgotten
I know you hate that

I love you Sunday sun
The week’s not yet begun
And everything is quiet
And it’s always

You and me - always - and forever
You and me - always - and forever

ba ba ba ba ba
It was always
You and me always

You tell me I’m a real man
And try to look impressed
Not very convincing
But you know I love it

Then we watch TV
Until we fall asleep
Not very exciting
And we’ll always

You and me - always - and forever
You and me - always - and forever

ba ba ba ba ba
It was always

You and me - always - and forever
You and me - always - and forever

ba ba ba ba ba
It was always

You and me - always - and forever
You and me - always - and forever

ba ba ba ba ba
It was always